0 Animated Videos | 24 Structured Questions.
Magnitude of the acceleration of M?
Time after which the center of two blocks will be at same horizontal level?
Distance of the new equilibrium position of the bead, where the bead can stay at rest with respect to the wire?
Tension in strings for the given fig?
Just after the cutting the string C, tension in string A?
Graph correctly representing acc. of blocks as a function of the mass of sand in the hanging bucket?
The time when block BB again comes to rest?
Acceleration of block A, B and C?
Acceleration of blocks and tension in the string between blocks?
Upward speed of mass M?
Velocity of the ring D when the ring C moves downwards at a constant velocity?
Min F to be applied to the string so that block of mass m just begins to move up the frictionless plane?
Tension in the string attached to m?
Tension in the string connected to block B, when the system is released?
Force applied by each person at the moment shown in fig?
Acceleration, when the separation between them becomes 2x?
Velocity of block B will be?
Minimum F to lift block B from ground?
M for which the mass m1 move with constant velocity?
Acceleration of block 1 wrt ground?
Acceleration of block 2 and 4?
Acceleration of C will be?
Acceleration of the end of the string to which force is being applied?
Ratio of the acceleration of blocks 2 and 3 relative to the ground?