13 Animated Videos | 13 Structured Questions.
L1 when only Hg expands. L2 when Hg and Glass expand.
How far apart are degree marks on stem ?
Water overflows on heating. Coeff of vol expansion of Hg ?
Apparatus for correct value of Gamma
W1 at T1 and W2 at T2. Coeff of vol exp of liquid ?
Ball W1 at 0 C and W2 at T. W1 > W2 ?
W1 at T1 and W2 at T2. Coeff of linear exp of metal ?
If T increased, fraction of vol submerged ?
Temperature at which wood will sink in benzene ?
Relation b/w Coeff of Linear and Vol exp ?
Pressure in flask at higher T ?
Angular speed and Rotational KE at higher T ?
Find mass of container, given final T